Years of therapy, labels and scripts doesn’t need to be the norm.

Effective research-backed treatments for any problem where the mind participates with Hypnotherapy, Coaching and NLP.

Your personal and professional challenges are a result of unconscious thought and behavioural patterns. Patterns that, once you become aware of them, can be rapidly changed.

I achieve rapid results by combining techniques that deliver lasting results fast; Strategic Hypnotherapy (a powerful combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic psychotherapy), NLP and Professional Coaching.


It’s a holistic approach, with real science to back it up. 

Effective Hypnotherapy and Coaching Treatment for:

Hypnotherapy for anxiety Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney


Anxiety and worry is equivalent to smoking 2 packets of cigarettes a day due to the release of harmful chemicals. Anxiety is also a pattern of thinking and doing that can be unpacked and interrupted with NLP, Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy quickly and safely.

Hypnotherapy for depression Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney


The fastest way to get stuck is to play something that is unchangeable - The link between serotonin and depression has been disproven and research shows that what ultimately benefits people the most is a change in perception, and action-oriented interventions.

Hypnotherapy for stress and burnout Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney

Stress + Burnout

Stress was designed for survival, not every day activities. With therapy, coaching and education, you can become aware of your stress pattern, learn to regulate your response, create healthy boundaries and biohack your way out of your current crash state.

Hypnotherapy for insomnia Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney


Unless medically driven, insomnia is a process and often involves strengthening compartmentalisation skills so you can “park” thoughts and emotions. Hypnotherapy is very effective in helping you achieve restful sleep.

Hypnotherapy for fear and phobias Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney


Do you have low self-esteem or in fact an unrealistic self-assessment? In any case, clinical hypnotherapy is the most effective way to send more helpful messages to the unconscious mind that

Career coaching life coaching Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney

Career + Life Coaching

Coaching focusses on change and therefore is focussed on clearly defining goals and the support required to shift you from your current state to achieving specific goals. I am ICF accredited with 12+ years experience. Change isn’t easy but you are not the first person to experience your problem. It is my job to reconnect you to your strengths and point out other support you can explore.

Hypnotherapy for kids children teenagers Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney

Kids + Teens

Clinical Hypnotherapy and coaching are gentle effective treatment options to get kids back in control of their emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Support is also available for parents - it’s hard to know what to say to our kids when they’re struggling - I have 3 of my own. For more information click here.

Help and hypnotherapy for perfectionism Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney


Perfectionism is a fast track to anxiety. You will have a high need for control over situations and a strong aversion to failure. Perfectionism is a strength and a hindrance with the all or nothing thinking that comes with it. In fact, you are often paralysed by the fear of getting it wrong.Do you have low self-esteem or in fact an unrealistic self-assessment? The good news is, you are holding yourself back, so you can change it.

NDIS Hypnotherapy and coaching Inner West Sydney Tania Romeo

Illness and Disability Support

Hypnosis is an excellent intervention tool for the treatment of a range of physical and emotions symptoms due to illness or disability including; depression, anxiety, OCD, symptom control, insomnia, improve communication, nurture self-esteem, build confidence through mindset and new skill development, tackle social phobias, weight management, overwhelm.

Self Managed & Plan Managed NDIS Participants & Worker’s Comp welcome

Online sessions accessible from anywhere in the world or face-to-face in Inner West Sydney


Three things I know to be true:


It shouldn’t take years and half your life savings to see fast results.


Becoming aware of your unconscious patterns is the first step to change.


For lasting change you need more than mindset, you need skillset too. There is no magic wand or guru that can change the fact that You are the ONLY person that can take action to change your cirucmstances.


If your problems right now are coming at high personal cost affecting your relationships, work and quality of life…it’s time to make a change.

Hypnotherapy, trance, leadership development, speaker Tania Romeo The Change Coach Sydney Corporate Wellbeing

I get your overwhelm-paralysis. I’ve lived it.

Spending years in Organisational Development Consulting in Australia and abroad, I’ve seen how ineffective processes and work cultures can have a debilitating impact on health and wellbeing. I know what it’s like to feel tugged by the needs of your family but be drawn to the personal reward of meaningful work. 

I still enjoy partnering with organisations for leadership, coaching and wellbeing programmes, but my passion is advocating for the person behind the role. This core value has become my life’s work.  

I'm one of a small number of qualified Strategic Clinical Hypnotherapists in Australia and a member of several government accredited associations. I'm a mum to 3 extraordinary children who enjoy more activities than there are days in the week, and I've worked in large organisations around the world, across different time zones, so I get all that comes with that. 

In Clinical Hypnotherapy, I have found a space where I can combine my passion and purpose. My personal change journey went from improving organisational processes, to unpacking the patterns in my client’s processes that hold back performance in health, life and work.