A powerful investment that can change your future.
Improving the quality of your thoughts, leads to changing your beliefs and this influences the actions you take in every aspect of your life.
In addition to Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP and Strategic Psychotherapy, you’ll gain access to an ICF accredited coach so you can make the adjustments necessary to perform at your best at work and home.
Coaching Fees are generally tax deductible if relating to your profession and Hypnotherapy rebates are available via some Health Funds. Please check with your provider prior to booking.
Hypnotherapy and Coaching Fees
All sessions are conducted online. Virtual sessions has been shown to be equally as effective as an in-person consults, with many clients report feeling more comfortable and able to commit in their own environment without needing to travel.
Check booking link for packages.
Hypnotherapy helps the brain to change its own structure through thought by installed new neural pathways fore more productive habits. In the majority of cases, anxiety is a driver, where eating and drinking have become a coping strategy or soothing ritual. This means additional sessions may be required to ensure the results last and healthier coping strategies are installed on a subconscious level. Using the power of the subconscious mind, clients “move” the old habits into the past, and through repetition and mental rehearsal, begin the change process as you notice rapid shifts and less internal conflict getting in the way of what you want.
Workshops and Speaking Engagements $POA email info@taniaromeo.com
How do I know if I need coaching or hypnotherapy?
The Change Coach process involves the application of different techniques and addresses many aspects of your life. Hypnosis may be used as part of your treatment plan, if there are deeply rooted issues that need to be shifted.
We can work this out together during a free 15 min discovery call.
Email Tania at info@taniaromeo.com.
Clients can now pay securely online prior to appointments.
Find out if you might be eligible for a Health Fund rebate or tax deduction here.