Looking for a holistic therapist who can coach you through a major change?


Making bold, long-lasting changes is a deep, personal process. You need to go deep to really pinpoint the source of your suffering. We go deep when we gain inner insights to the parts of us we have misunderstood or underutilized.

Your brain has the ability to adapt and “rewire” itself with the holistic therapeutic interventions and inner insights gained through my unique coaching method and your own strengths and capacity to heal yourself.

Change starts when you decide that you will invest in yourself and not waste another precious day of this one incredible life we get.

To be human is to suffer every once in a while.

You are not broken, you are human. Let’s talk.

Hypnotherapy, Neuroplasticity, and Human Design: A Pathway to Lasting Change

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s adaptability and its capacity to reorganize in response to experiences, learning, and therapeutic interventions. This dynamic process can occur throughout a person’s life, allowing individuals to reshape their mental and emotional landscapes at any age. Click here to learn how Hypnotherapy and insights from the Human Design system promote a deep change process here.

Effective Hypnotherapy Treatment Anxiety Depression Insomnia Phobias Weightloss

Nothing is working?!

Fed up with endless counselling sesions that keep you in a continuous loop of drawn-out interventions with limited success. With Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP, you will learn new skills, behaviours and adopt a more positive frame of mind to feel in control.

You’ll learn to not only feel better, but do better in situations where you would previously struggle.

It’s not a magic wand, but it feels like one.



How Hypnotherapy Works Hypnotherapy Effectiveness Successful

Don’t have the energy to talk about it anymore?


That’s understandable. Going round in circles to get to the root of your problems is not what clinical hypnotherapy is about and research proves success of talk therapy is limited. 

The story you’ve been telling yourself for 20 years is not what I’m interested in. I want to unearth the story you’re not aware of. The unconscious patterns that affect every aspect of your life, from emotions to beliefs, values, memory and habits, without you even knowing it.

This process is rapid. I ask fast, strategic questions to get to the levels below the problem quickly.

How effective is Hypnotherapy compared to other treatments?

How effective is Hypnotherapy Behavioural Therapy Sydney

Booking Process

  • 1. Read the FAQs

    Click on the FAQs on the homepage to get quick answer to the most frequently asked questions. If you have any questions or would like a quick chat prior to booking, email Tania at info@taniaromeo.com

  • 2. Book your initial consultation

    Schedule and pay for your initial consultation online. You will receive an order confirmation and Zoom link for your session.

  • 3. Complete Intake Form

    Complete the intake form you receive via email to ensure you this treatment is right for you and to provide as much information as possible so we can hit the ground running.

  • 4. Explore the Online Store

    We have been very busy curated affordable resources that can be purchased as receommended during your work with Tania, or as stand alone products.